A Richmond jury returned a verdict of $300,000 for the plaintiff motorcycle driver who was hurt when an unidentified pickup truck, driven by a “John Doe,” suddenly stopped for no reason in a curved offramp. The motorcyclist had to lay down her bike in a split second to avoid the crash. The pickup driver was never found when he fled the scene. Emroch & Kilduff successfully pursued the motorcyclist’s uninsured motorist coverage.

Why do I Need to Hire a Hit and Run Accident Attorney?
When a driver flees the scene of an accident, they do much more than violate the law. They…
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What Happens When a Car Accident Exceeds Insurance Limits?
Dealing with the financial aftermath of a car accident, such as property damage, medical bills, and insurance claims,…
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The Pitfalls of Virginia's Opt-Out Auto Insurance Laws
Car insurance laws in Virginia recently changed to mandate that drivers show proof of insurance before they register…
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