Emroch & Kilduff Proudly Sponsors Richmond’s 22nd Annual Big Brothers Big Sisters Duck Race 
A cherished Richmond tradition continues July 30, 2011, with the Big Brothers Big Sisters Duck Race at Brown’s Island. During this fun-filled event, the Haxall Canal is turned into a sea of bright yellow rubber ducks. Up to 20,000 of the toys will be dropped from the sky and into the canal, then they race to the finish line for prizes including a new Nissan Versa Sedan from Sheehy Nissan Mechanicsville. Emroch & Kilduff is honored to be a sponsor of this year’s Duck Race, which is the Big Brothers Big Sisters program’s biggest annual fundraiser. All of the proceeds from the event go to connecting children with positive role models who serve as mentors and guides. Along with its sponsorship, Emroch & Kilduff will also have a booth at the race, which will provide eye-opening information and demonstrations about the dangers of texting while driving. The anti-texting effort is a major focus of Emroch & Kilduff. The firm has recently partnered with Richmond’s CBS 6 to encourage motorists to “W82TEXT.” The Big Brothers Big Sisters Duck Race runs from 11 am to 4 pm.
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