Emroch & Kilduff Receives Best Lawyers® Recognition

Emroch & Kilduff Receives Best Lawyers® Recognition

Emroch & Kilduff is pleased to announce that our law firm has received recognition from Best Lawyers® as one of the best personal injury and medical malpractice law firms in Virginia. This major achievement represents our devotion to providing the highest level of representation possible to injured clients and their families throughout the state.

What Is Best Lawyers®?

For more than 40 years, Best Lawyers® has published peer reviews of lawyers throughout the world, and it is “the oldest and most respected peer-review publication company in the legal profession.” To date, Best Lawyers® has recognized 143,836 lawyers in 76 countries across the globe, with more than 13 million peer evaluations of lawyers in 150 practice areas.

Receiving recognition from Best Lawyers® is a considerable honor, and the publication has earned the respect and trust of professionals, the media, and the general public for providing reliable and unbiased legal referrals to top-ranked and highly competent attorneys.

Best Lawyers® uses a “sophisticated, conscientious, rational, and transparent survey process” to obtain authentic and relevant evaluations of a lawyer or law firm's quality of legal counsel and services. The process begins with a nomination submission, followed by a confidential peer review. Best Lawyers® analyzes the feedback it receives and confirms lawyers are in good standing with their respective bar associations. Once they analyze and confirm the results, Best Lawyers® publishes the results in a print publication and online.

Best Lawyers® does not allow attorneys to pay money to receive recognition or be placed on any list the organization offers, resulting in a Purely Peer Review® process.

The organization also offers other recognitions, including “Lawyer of the Year,” “Ones to Watch,” and “Law Firm of the Year.” It also publishes Best Law Firms rankings through U.S. News & World Report, which Emroch & Kilduff has received each year since 2017 as a Tier 1 personal injury litigation law firm for plaintiffs. 

Who Is Emroch & Kilduff?

Experienced attorney Walter H. Emroch founded Walter H. Emroch & Associates in 1970. From those humble beginnings, we have grown to include four law offices throughout Virginia with eight attorneys and a staff of more than 20 dedicated legal professionals.

We represent plaintiff clients only and do not represent insurance companies, hospitals, or large corporations, and we have recovered millions of dollars in total compensation for our injured clients. 

Virginia's Personal Injury & Medical Malpractice Attorneys

Some of our most notable successes include:

  • $7.75 million settlement for a slip and fall accident claim
  • $3 million settlement for medical malpractice 
  • $2 million settlement for an automobile accident and medical malpractice claim

We have also obtained many other substantial verdicts and settlements for our clients, and we are fully committed to doing whatever we can to increase our clients’ chances of obtaining maximum compensation for their injuries and losses.

Along with delivering award-winning representation directly to our clients, Emroch & Kilduff also receives many attorney referrals from other lawyers who do not handle personal injury cases, and our attorneys routinely serve as co-counsel in complex tort litigation. We receive these referrals and cases because of our stellar reputation in the profession, so our clients can feel confident knowing they have an experienced, competent, and top-ranked attorney on their side.

If you or a loved one suffered injuries because of another party’s negligence or wrongdoing in Virginia, you can contact the attorneys at Emroch & Kilduff for help. We will review your case for free and advise you of your options. We will also work hard to build the strongest case possible for you and fight to protect your rights and do all we can to help you get the full and fair compensation you deserve. 

Disclaimer: Best Lawyers® and The Best Lawyers in America© are registered trademarks of BL Rankings, LLC d/b/a Best Lawyers and Co., LLC. The names, logo, and database are protected under the trademark, copyright, and fair use laws of the United States of America. Any use of name, including in electronic form, must be made only by permission and under the guidelines of BL Rankings, LLC d/b/a Best Lawyers and Co., LLC.

Walter Emroch

Partner, Retired

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Schedule A Free Case Evaluation

If you have been injured because of someone elses negligence, contact one of our experienced personal injury lawyers for a free consultation. For your convenience, Emroch & Kilduff has two office locations in Virginia: Richmond and Tappahannock.

Contact our offices today online or by calling (804) 358-1568 to schedule a free consultation, discuss the details of your injury, and determine the best path forward given your individual circumstances.

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