Henrico High School Students Encouraged to Take the CBS 6/Emroch & Kilduff “W82TEXT” Challenge 
On September 9, Bill Bevins of Lite 98 radio, Raymond Hawkes of CBS 6 and Emroch and Kilduff attorney Tom McNally addressed an assembly of the junior and senior classes at Henrico High School to help raise awareness of the dangers of texting while driving. After a warm welcome from Principal Rodriquez, his staff and students, the W82TEXT team led a discussion about the high rate of accidents caused by distracted drivers. According to statistics compiled by the Virginia State Troopers, in 2010 more than 740 Virginians were killed in accidents caused by distracted drivers, many of them texting-related. At the end of the assembly, the students were encouraged to take "W82TEXT" Challenge pledge. The "W82TEXT" team will continue visiting area high schools to raise awareness of the growing problem and to encourage young drivers to take the issue seriously. To encourage participation, the team is issuing the challenge to all area high school students. The school with the most students who sign "pledges" not to text while driving will have an opportunity to write its 30-second "W82TEXT" commercial that will air on CBS 6 and to send student ambassadors to appear on the Virginia This Morning show. For more information about the W82TEXT High School Challenge, visit us on