Petersburg Drunk Driving Accident Lawyers Representing the Rights of Individuals Injured by Drunk Drivers

When you leave your home to go to work, take your children to school, or to run an errand, the last thing you expect to have to worry about is a drunk driver. Even when there is no loss of life, thousands of victims suffer serious, life-changing injuries. That’s when you need to call our Petersburg drunk driving accident lawyers.
At Emroch & Kilduff we have represented accident victims since 1970. We never represent hospitals, insurance companies, or corporations who are facing accident claims. Our goal is to get justice for victims who have suffered an injury due to someone else’s negligent behavior. We provide aggressive advocacy for each victim and our track record of success speaks for itself.
While our past performance of negotiating settlements for our clients does not guarantee we will get the same results in the future, it does demonstrate our commitment to our clients.
If you contact our Petersburg office, you will learn we are committed to helping you. Whether you need us to travel to your home or your hospital bed, we will be there to help. Thanks to our years of experience, we have developed relationships with experts who can help us build evidence in every case we take. We are proud of the fact that our clients know they can count on us, and when we accept a case we are always available to answer questions.
Hiring a Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer in Petersburg
Victims of a drunk driving accident should contact an attorney as soon as they can. While Virginia law provides victims up to two years to file a Petersburg drunk driving accident lawsuit, it is not a good idea to wait. In fact, the more serious your injuries, the more important it is to seek the advice of a skilled Petersburg drunk driving accident attorney as soon as possible. You can contact Emroch & Kilduff to schedule a free consultation or ask a family member to contact them on your behalf.
Chances are that within a few days of your accident or being discharged from the hospital, you may get a telephone call from the drunk driver’s insurance company. While the questions they ask you during the call may indicate they are concerned about you, do not be fooled. The goal of the insurance company is to minimize their liability, which means making sure you get as little compensation as possible.
Some things you may be entitled to recover financially for include:
- Medical costs - This includes your costs immediately following an accident and all future medical costs associated with your injury. Depending on the severity of your injuries, these costs could last over several years or even the rest of your life.
- Wage compensation - If your recovery is short, you may only have a few weeks or months of lost wages. However, if you suffer a catastrophic injury, the insurance company may have to include lost earning capacity as well as past and current wage losses.
- Non-financial losses - Victims who suffer mental anguish have a reduced quality of life, or experience long-term pain and suffering may receive additional compensation.
- Punitive damages - Drunk driving is extremely negligent behavior. As such, victims are often awarded punitive damages, which is a way to deter the drunk driver from acting in the same manner in the future.
You may pursue additional damages as a result of a drunk driving accident. An attorney can work with you to identify your economic and non-economic losses. Your personal injury lawyer’s goal will be to make sure you get all the compensation you may be entitled to under the law. Until you have spoken with an attorney, do not discuss your case with an insurance adjuster. Find out what your rights are and what options are available to you as a drunk driving victim.
The Most Common Injuries Victims Suffer in Petersburg Drunk Driving Crashes
The 2020 report issued by the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles noted that each day during 2019, 180 people suffered an injury on the Commonwealth’s roadways. More than 4,000 accidents in 2019 were a result of someone driving under the influence of alcohol. What the statistics do not show is that each of these numbers represents a person, their family, and their coworkers.

DUI crashes are devastating and victims often suffer serious injuries. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has found that nearly a third of all fatal traffic accidents were caused by a driver who was under the influence
Whenever someone is in a serious car accident, they could lose their life. When victims survive a DUI crash, they can suffer traumatic injuries.
Some of the most common injuries in DUI crashes include:
- Traumatic brain injury (TBI) - TBIs require long-term recovery. Seriously injured victims may never have their lives restored to normal. Memory loss, inability to focus, and other issues may impact the victim and their families for years after a DUI accident.
- Neck and back injuries - Victims who suffer neck and back injuries in a car accident must deal with pain that can last weeks, months, and even years after the accident. When pain is debilitating, victims must deal with both the physical and emotional effects.
- Skull fractures - Depending on the severity of a skull fracture, victims may have to carefully monitor themselves for signs of potentially more serious complications that could require surgery.
- Spinal cord injuries - The life-long repercussions of a spinal cord injury can cause victims to depend on others to care for them. The Mayo Clinic states that one-half of all new spinal cord injuries annually result from car accidents.
Contact the Experienced Petersburg Drunk Driving Accident Attorneys at Emroch & Kilduff
If you were injured or lost a loved one in a drunk driving accident, contact an experienced accident lawyer at Emroch & Kilduff by calling us at (804) 358-1568 or by filling out our online form. Let us focus on getting you the compensation you deserve while you focus on recovering.
Client Testimonial
“There's only one choice really. Emroch and Kilduff, my experience with the team here was indescribable. The people there truly care. Mr. Robins and Rita treated me so kindly assisting me along the way with literally everything! I don't know what I would have done without them!”
Rating: 5/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Stacy T.
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