Factors to Consider When Deciding Whether to Hire a Lawyer to Help Settle Your Claim
A federal study indicates that the economic cost of traffic accidents nationwide was more than $242 billion in 2010. This included the lifetime economic costs for nearly 33,000 fatalities, four-million injuries, and 24 million vehicles destroyed or damaged. When issues such as quality-of-life are included, the total cost from motor vehicle crashes in 2010 was $836 billion. About 54 percent of those costs fall on private insurers. This doesn’t even include accidents other than traffic accidents. The bottom line is that insurance companies don’t want to pay out more than they must. If you are injured in an accident, you might find that your post-accident claim is against your own insurance company or the insurer for the responsible party. Either way, consider these points:- Insurance companies try to minimize payouts: Payments for accidents are losses for insurance companies. Insurance adjusters will attempt to minimize those payments, giving you the least amount of money they can.
- Insurance companies do not want lawyers involved: If an attorney represents a claimant, insurance companies know the claim likely will cost them more.
- The insurance company’s goal is to minimize losses: The claims adjuster is an experienced negotiator. Going up against an experienced claim negotiator means you should have an experienced negotiator of your own to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve.