Who Is Responsible for Accidents Caused by Road Defects? It should come as no surprise to learn that some Virginia roads are inherently dangerous and that they cause their fair […]
Who Is Responsible for Accidents Caused by Road Defects?

Who Is Responsible for Accidents Caused by Road Defects? It should come as no surprise to learn that some Virginia roads are inherently dangerous and that they cause their fair […]
The dangers of alcohol and illegal drugs like cocaine or heroin are well known, and most people would readily concede that they could impair a person’s ability to drive. But […]
Virginia law imposes a duty on drivers to operate their vehicles with sufficient care. If they fail to do so, and their negligence injures someone, then the driver must pay […]
A new study suggests that drowsiness pays a role in a much larger percentage of car accidents than the federal government previously estimated. In fact, the study shows that drowsy […]
Traumatic brain injuries like concussions can severely impede a person’s ability to get through the day. However, concussions also can threaten the safety of others—especially when concussed individuals get behind […]
Yes, in many cases. Under the well-settled legal principle respondeat superior, employers can bear legal responsibility when their employees negligently hurt someone else. However, you will need to carefully analyze […]
Most drivers have heard that it’s safer to pass on the left when road conditions permit. In fact, some people are under the impression that passing on the right is […]
We all know the dangers and legal consequences of drunk driving. But did you know that prescription drugs may cause more accidents than alcohol and marijuana combined? A study by […]
Spring is here and summer is around the corner—with extra hours of daylight. The open road beckons, and with it, the lure of more driving. Unfortunately, few of us get […]
We hear the slogan “Share the Road.” But many car and truck drivers don’t heed that call. Recent statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reveal that each year […]
If you have been injured because of someone else s negligence, contact one of our experienced personal injury lawyers for a free consultation. For your convenience, Emroch & Kilduff has two office locations in Virginia: Richmond and Tappahannock.
Contact our offices today online or by calling (804) 358-1568 to schedule a free consultation, discuss the details of your injury, and determine the best path forward given your individual circumstances.